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There are some highly successful Australian and International equestrian competitors within our Level 1 rider group.
Emma Weinert's Rider Profile
Main Discipline: Dressage
Natalie Lewis-Grofski's Rider Profile
Julia Stewart's Rider Profile
Hometown: Red Hill South, VIC
How many horses do you have? 3
Which horse do you enjoy riding the most and why? My Beautiful Rafter who gives me 100% every single day and has never given me a bad ride. He is a pleasure to do everything with and a joy in every aspect. He’s the complete package; a serious competitor with the sweetest disposition.
Which horse is most challenging and why? Mintie. Out little 11 hand dynamo has caused more issues than horses 3 times the size. The pony bought to be a baby sitter now rules the stables, feed time and who get’s worked when! Just don’t let him know he’s not 17 hands!
Tell us about your average day: My time is split into 2. I work part time for JT Johnson’s, a feed company in based in South Australia. Those days are work days only, but for the rest of the week my day consists of feeding, mucking out the stables and riding the horses before giving lessons in the afternoons.
What keeps you motivated? Definitely the horses. They are all individuals. Seeing each one develop as they mature and progress up the grades keeps you very motivated.
What is the most used item in your tack room? My saddle!
And finally, what is your favourite Hi Form product and why? I love all of Hi Form’s products, but especially ProflamAid Plus and Perform Plus. Since being on Hi Form products, Rafter has never grown a winter coat and I constantly get asked what I use to have him looking as sleek as a seal all year round!
Bailey Grofski's Rider Profile
Grace Lawes's Rider Profile
Emma Booth's Rider Profile
Tess Sharman's Rider Profile
Jay Charnock's Rider Profile
Hometown: Bulahdelah NSW
Jay Charnock and Hi Form's relationship began in very different circumstances to our other riders. A chance connection over a horse that
Jay has in his stable (Condor Bar Gold who is sired by Nicci's stallion Megabyte) brought Jay to the attention of Hi Form and we were
thrilled when it came together. Jay Charnock is not only doing very well in Campdrafting with his stallion Effex Larkham,
he is also an Equine Dentist, trainer and instructor who has competed in Polocrosse, Mounted Games, Stock Horse showing and more.
Jay was also a member of the All Star Showcase at the 2010 Equitana in Melbourne.
How many horses do you have? It Fluctuates between 15 to 30
Which horse do you enjoy riding the most and why? It’s a tough question because I really enjoy riding a few of them! But I would have to say my stallion Effex Larkham, him and I have a great relationship and have so since the day I bought him and started training him. He is eight this year and we have had a bit of success over the years, but now we are both really hitting our straps together, and know each other inside out and can read each others moves before they happen.
Which horse is most challenging and why? The other horse I love riding is my 4yr old, Condor Bar Gold. I would say he is the most challenging because he has a great work ethic! Training him from a two yr old has been a lot of fun and had some trying times too, mainly because he is a horse that always wants to please, and when you are trying to teach him something new he tries to get it right first go, and if he doesn’t he actually gets upset with himself, then you have to get his mind back on track, slow everything down and try again, then, usually it happens and he never forgets it!
Tell us about your average day: My average day consists of getting up and out to feed horses, and bringing to ones I want into the work pen, then I spend the day going through each horse and working on whatever that horse needs or is up to in their program, eg. Breaking in, or different levels of training etc. At the end of the day its, rugging up, feeding up and cleaning up. Also being a horse dentist, a couple of days a week I am away working doing horses teeth all over the place, so I have a worker at home keeping things rolling.
What keeps you motivated? What keeps me motivated is the love of horses and trying to give them the best start possible! I like to train more than compete, because training a range of different horses and breeds is more challenging than competing, I think, and I like being able to get in their minds and read and learn about them. But, in saying that, I do love when my horses are in great form and competing on them, so there is always the motivation to do better! I come home from a weekend away competing and identify what I need to work on that week to make my horses better for the next weekend. I just love the challenge of it all!
What is the most used item in your tack room? My saddle, and my spurs. Brett Parbury has a saying about spurs, “better to have spurs and not need them, then need them, and not have them”
And finally, what is your favourite Hi Form product and why? I like the overall range that HI FORM is supplying, and use a few different things, but as a campdrafter I think that Proflamaid and Proflamaid Plus are very beneficial to my horses! Campdraft horses go through a large amount of training and are out competing nearly every weekend when the season is on. In this sport theses horses are competing at a fast pace, plus stopping hard and turning themselves inside out to block cattle. They are putting a lot of pressure and strain on their joints. So as the owner/trainer I want my horses to be as healthy as possible, and in saying that I mean the overall horse, but especially for this sport if we can keep their joints healthy and rejuvenated, then we run less risk of having joint soreness and injuries.
Jason & Karen Fry's Rider Profile
Alexis Hellyer's Rider Profile
Hometown: QLD
Pete Comiskey's Rider Profile
Jane Gordon's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
David Boyle's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Bree Petrie's Rider Profile
Hometown: Tatura
How many horses do you have: 5
Which horse do you enjoy riding and why: Rosedale Simone, she is a true show horse who really gets in the ring and does the job.
Which horse is the most challenging: I love the challenge of bringing on young horses, they all have different quirks and traits and working them out is what I find challenging.
My Average day: During winter with all the horses turned out its just feeding, rugging and handling youngsters.
What keeps you motivated: Obviously big wins at major events keep me motivated to do it all again but I love finding and bringing on new prospects.
Most used item in my tack room: my lunge rein and saddle.
Favourite HIForm product: Equisoy, you get quick results and healthy shiny horses with top without heat.
Jess Oldham's Rider Profile
Ashlie Waters's Rider Profile
Hometown: Germany
Sandi Simons's Rider Profile
Hometown: Drysdale Victoria
How many horses do you have? 8
Which horse do you enjoy riding the most and why? Cassidy My 18hh Percheron Cross Mare because the rewards of all my hard work is deeply satisfying when she performs effortlessly out in public.
Which horse is most challenging and why? Cassidy as she is a very hypersensitive horse and has shown me how solid my training needs to be.
Tell us about your average day: I wish I had an average day however between running a household, business and all my clinics I gotta say that no day seems to be the same.
What keeps you motivated? My Husband and all the women that I train with.
What is the most used item in your tack room? My Helmet.
And finally, what is your favourite Hi Form product and why? Herbanerve - It makes a huge difference to all my horses and they way they cope when they travel due to all the different environments they come across in our travels
Marty Bryson's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Natasha Moody's Rider Profile
Hometown: Germany
Mietta Innes-Irons's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Jenny Gehrke's Rider Profile
Hometown: QLD
Dianne Barnes's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Brodie Harrison's Rider Profile
Hometown: Warrandyte
Emily Ruffo's Rider Profile
Hometown: TAS
Maddison Growcott's Rider Profile
Hometown: Koo Wee Rup VIC
Dana Krause's Rider Profile
Hometown: Mount Eliza, Victoria, AUS
Age: 17
Favorite Place: Wherever my horse is
Who is your favourite singer? Adele
What is your favourite movie? The Longest Ride
Favourite subjects in school? French, English, Maths and Biology
Is there anything you're afraid of? Not being able to ride
Describe an average day: An average day for me is wake up at 7:30 and go to school. I do my homework at least three lunchtimes a week. Afterschool I'll come home and get changed quickly and I'll go out and ride my horse, Taitti. I usually am back home at 7:30 where I'll eat dinner and start my homework at 8:00/8:30 which usually takes me to 10:30/11:00 and then I go to sleep. One night a week I work at a private equestrian property doing a variety of jobs from grating the arena, riding the horses to feeding. Also some nights I feed the 10 horses out at my agistment centre.
What do you do on your day off? Sometimes I'll catch up with friends but it's usually a catch up day for homework and sleep. I will also ride other peoples horses and if I've got time I'll read.
Your Horses
Sponsored Horse's name: Taittinger VDS (Taitti)
Best thing about your horses: Everything! He is honestly the most gorgeous horse and we have so much fun together. I brought him when he was 4 and he had only had 5 rides since being broken in as he was broken in at 3 and then turned out for 12 months so I was the 5th ride back in work. Needless to say he's come a long way from the gangly 4 year old whose legs went everywhere and didn't know how to turn! So far it's been an incredible journey with him but everything he does he tries his hardest and he's always wanting to learn. He's got the sweetest most inquisitive personality which just brightens up your day.
2017/2018 Plans: This year I want to get him established in the elementary movements and towards the end of 2018 I would love to take him out Medium at Interschools/ Elementary EA.
Ultimate Goals: Grand Prix.
Your favourite Hi Form product and why? I love the Hi Form Next Generation Nutritional Pellets Oxydane because I know that when we're increasing the work load he's still getting the support he needs for his muscles and gut.
Laura-Grace Nicholls's Rider Profile
Hometown: Jimboomba
Main Discipline: Junior Eventing
Favorite Place: The Stables
Who is your favourite singer? Adele, Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift
What is your favourite movie? The Hunger Games
What is your favourite subject in school? Business
Is there anything you're afraid of? Snakes and Spiders
Describe an average day: On an average school day I will head to school around 6:30 and finish school at 3:15 and then head home to work the horses. I will usually finish with the horses around 7:30 and then go home and have dinner and complete my homework and assignments.
What do you do on your day off? A day off would also consist of cleaning tack and my gear if we have had a competition the day before, checking Avi & Zeus and giving them liqourice treats, working any other horses or our young ones and in the school term I would also be working on completing my assignments and homework.
Your Horses
Sponsored Horses' Names:Booroodabin Avispa (Avispa) & Smooth Redemption (Zeus)
Best thing about your horses: The best thing about Avispa is that he loves his job and he tries his absolute hardest for me. The best thing about Zeus is that he loves jumping and his treats.
2017/2018 Plans: My 2017/2018 plans are to start competing Preliminary (95cm) Eventing and Novice dressage. I want to improve on these levels and their required skills and slowly move up heights from there. My plans also include contiuing perfecting my harder dressage skills and jumping heights at home.
Ultimate Goals: My Ultimate goal is to be compete in 2**+ Eventing, 1.20+ Show jumping and Elementary/Medium Dressage and to compete both around Australia and internationally. I would also love to start bringing up my very own young horses into the eventing scenes.
Harley McNaughton's Rider Profile
Hometown: Pakenham South VIC
Jack Barker's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Rachel & Sophie Walker's Rider Profile
Hometown: Mangrove Mountain NSW
Peter Stevenson's Rider Profile
Hometown: NSW
Katia & Chiara Sonsini's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Jess Smart's Rider Profile
Hometown: VIC
Alyssa Dinnage's Rider Profile
Hometown: Queensland
Age: 11
Birthday: 1/11/2006
Main Discipline: Junior Western
Favorite Place: Barmah on the Murray River
Who is your favourite singer? Ed Sheeran
What is your favourite movie? Black Beauty
Favourite subject at school? English
Is there anything you're afraid of? Elevators
Describe an average day:Wake up at 7am eat breaky, pack lunch get ready for school School at 8:35am-2:35pm ride Jimmy after school when Mums not at work otherwise swim squad watch TV homework play
outside, then have dinner read and bed around 8pm.
What do you do on a day off? Play with friends, horseride go to horse shows, surf, sit at and relax at home.
Your Horses
Sponsored Horse's Name: SSQ Gold Medal Seeker/Jimmy
Best thing about your horse: He is loving, cute, intelligent and has lots of personality and he is safe and looks after me.
2017/2018 Plans: 2017 QH State Show. 2018 QH Nationals.
Ultimate Goals: Trans Tasman and Youth World Cup when I'm old enough to qualify.