The Equine GUT Microbiome analysis gives the horse owner and breeder access to leading edge DNA sequencing technology

The equine intestinal tract contains a complex microbial population called micro biota which plays an important role in health and disease. It appears that the micro biome can be altered quite intensely in certain disease states. Laminitis for example can be a very severe disease that can be set off by an increase of dietary starch. By the time the starch reaches the hindgut it causes an enhancement of lactic acid bacteria, lactate build up and acidification of the contents of the gut.
These bacterial products go into the bloodstream and lead to systemic inflammation. Hindgut lactate levels are normally low because specific bacterial groups convert lactate to short chain fatty acids. Why this mechanism fails when lactate levels rapidly rise, and why some hindgut communities can recover is unknown. Faecal samples can be taken to assist in the diagnosis of this disease and could provide a convenient and cost effective means to understand the microbial dynamics underlying colic and laminitis. Other conditions associated with bacteria can also include ulcers and will most definitely include diarrhoea, this form of testing allows us to diagnose effectively and put into place nutritional interventions and in the long-term great improvement in health and well-being of the gut. Incorrect feeding can induce certain conditions in horses many of these can be prevented. Faecal analysis profiling your horse’s bowel flora will provide you the owner, veterinarian or health practitioner a greater understanding of bowel flora which is indicative to the health and well-being of your horse. The maintenance of a normal healthy horse is governed by a normal functioning digestive tract. The micro biome is essential for the maintenance of normal health, well-being and function. The homoeostatic balance of the equine intestinal micro biome is very sensitive to dietary change and gastrointestinal disease. It is well known that any homoeostatic imbalance can cause disease. One of the most common causes of death in horses is colic this is well documented, a test such as this will provide us with an enormous amount of information to assist in managing and preventing these types of digestive diseases. Nutrition plays an enormous role in the health of your horse, the power of nutrition should never be underestimated.

What is the Metagenomic analysis?

The bacteria present in your horse’s gut, mouth, skin and other sites in the equine body are often referred to collectively as the equine Microbiome or “second genome”. Composed of more than a 100 trillion microorganisms the equine Microbiome outnumbers the total number of genes by a factor of a hundred to one. This means, for every gene in your horse’s genome there are 100 bacterial genes.
Genomic technology now has the capacity to view this second genome by sequencing specific regions or variable regions in the bacterial genome. It is these variable regions that enable bacteria to be identified down to species level. Each bacterial species has a unique “finger print”. This means that the analysis is similar to a crime scene investigation. If the sequence is detected then that particular bacteria is present in your horse’s gut.
The large intestine of the horse is an anaerobic fermentative chamber where fibrolytic bacteria produce short chain fatty acids that account for most of the horse’s energy requirements.
Why are the bacteria in your horse’s gut important?
Bacteria perform essential functions such as digesting food and synthesizing vitamins. Recent studies have also linked the Microbiome to mood and behaviour via the gut-brain axis, as well as many gut disorders, weight gain and laminitis, eczema, ulcers, diarrhoea and colic .

What will this analysis tell me?

The percentage of the types of bacteria in your horses gut.
• How the bacteria in your horses gut may be affecting overall health and wellbeing.
• If any known pathogenic bacteria are present.
• How your horse’s diet is affecting Microbiome.
• How you can change the landscape of your horse’s gut health using nutritional interventions.
If your horses are experiencing health issues Bacteria Diversity Profiling will assist you in understanding some of the causes.
For the first time you will be able to see all of the bacteria that is in your horse’s gut.Detect good and bad bacteria.
You will be able to use this information to understand how their diet and environment could be affecting their bowel flora and health in general.
Has your horse’s health been poor, has you horse been difficult to increase weight, is your horse lacking in energy, are you confused with just what to feed?

• Go to
• Click on Order Equine GUT Microbiome Test & Pay for the test
• A collection kit will be sent to you
• The sample is sent for testing
• The test results take approximately 8 weeks
• The Microbiome results are emailed to you and a consultation time will be made that is convenient
• Please allow a minimum of 45 Minutes per horse